welcome to the outdoor rifle range pages.....
Welcome to the NassauSCShoots Rifle Range Page, these pages contain all available information regarding our Outdoor Rifle Range shooting events, contacts and other information needed to make your time shooting at our facilities enjoyable.
Tim Tordoff, CRSO, ttordoff@nassauscshoots.com
Glenn Galkiewicz, ggalkiewicz@nassauscshoots.com
Tim Tordoff, CRSO, ttordoff@nassauscshoots.com
Glenn Galkiewicz, ggalkiewicz@nassauscshoots.com
Site Work on the Rifle Range.
We will be performing site work up on the rifle range very soon.
Since there is not a daily schedule for the work
you will have to check at the range to see if any work is being done on that specific day. Shooting will be at your own discretion, if no work is being done then the range is open, if work is being done the range is closed.
With your understanding and cooperation, we will keep the range open during this period of improvements when no work is being done.
We will notify everyone when the work has been completed.