Please read and observe the range rules.....
Nassau Sportsmen’s Club Pistol Indoor Shooting Regulations
New York State Law stipulates that if you are in possession of a handgun, you must also be licensed and in possession of the handgun permit/license for said handgun. If you are not in compliance with this law, for the safety of the Nassau Sportsmen’s Club and its membership – You must leave the facilities and properties of the Nassau Sportsmen’s Club.
Site Specific Range Rules (Indoor Shooting Range)
1. No rifle larger than a 22 long rifle shall be fired.
2. No magnums of any caliber whatsoever may be fired.
3. No cartridges with a muzzle velocity greater than l000fps. may be fired.
4. No one is allowed down range unless firearms are placed on the bench, unloaded, slides locked backed, cylinders open, magazines out, the firing line will then be checked and the “firing line is safe” command given by the Range Officer, only then will the command “okay to proceed down range” be given by the Range Officer.
5. Firearms will not be handled at anytime or for any reason while personnel are down range.
6. Ear and Eye protection is mandatory for all personnel in the shooting range, this include shooters and spectators. Ear and eye protection is not mandatory in the outer office area but should be strongly considered while live fire is taking place in the shooting range.
7. There will be no smoking or food and beverage consumption during any live fire exercises, NO ALCOHOLIC beverages may be consumed before arriving at the shooting range or on any firing range property.
8. Before leaving the shooting range all shooters and spectators should wash their face and hands with soap and cold water, soap and paper towels are provided in the men’s and ladies rooms.
9. The range fee’s for firearms are as follows: • Member’s: $3.00 • Non-member’s $4.00 • Small Targets .10 • Large Targets .25
Any violations of these rules will be reported to the Board of Directors for possible disciplinary actions.
Think Safety!
1st Always keep your firearms pointed in a safe direction.
2nd Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3rd Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
New York State Law stipulates that if you are in possession of a handgun, you must also be licensed and in possession of the handgun permit/license for said handgun. If you are not in compliance with this law, for the safety of the Nassau Sportsmen’s Club and its membership – You must leave the facilities and properties of the Nassau Sportsmen’s Club.
Site Specific Range Rules (Indoor Shooting Range)
1. No rifle larger than a 22 long rifle shall be fired.
2. No magnums of any caliber whatsoever may be fired.
3. No cartridges with a muzzle velocity greater than l000fps. may be fired.
4. No one is allowed down range unless firearms are placed on the bench, unloaded, slides locked backed, cylinders open, magazines out, the firing line will then be checked and the “firing line is safe” command given by the Range Officer, only then will the command “okay to proceed down range” be given by the Range Officer.
5. Firearms will not be handled at anytime or for any reason while personnel are down range.
6. Ear and Eye protection is mandatory for all personnel in the shooting range, this include shooters and spectators. Ear and eye protection is not mandatory in the outer office area but should be strongly considered while live fire is taking place in the shooting range.
7. There will be no smoking or food and beverage consumption during any live fire exercises, NO ALCOHOLIC beverages may be consumed before arriving at the shooting range or on any firing range property.
8. Before leaving the shooting range all shooters and spectators should wash their face and hands with soap and cold water, soap and paper towels are provided in the men’s and ladies rooms.
9. The range fee’s for firearms are as follows: • Member’s: $3.00 • Non-member’s $4.00 • Small Targets .10 • Large Targets .25
Any violations of these rules will be reported to the Board of Directors for possible disciplinary actions.
Think Safety!
1st Always keep your firearms pointed in a safe direction.
2nd Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3rd Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.